A university education can often require financing and assuming debt. If your student fills out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and does not qualify for a Pell Grant or other kinds of help, and has no scholarship offers, what do you do?
The Pros & Cons of Roth IRA Conversions
Qualifying for a Disability Retirement Under the FERS
Avoid These Life Insurance Missteps
TSP Withdrawal Options Are Changing
Are Entertainment Expenses Still Deductible?
Life Insurance Products with Long Term Care Riders
The Medical Expense Deduction in 2018
Life Insurance Is Probably Cheaper Than You Think
According to a new study, 41% of Americans lack life insurance coverage. The 2017 Insurance Barometer Study, conducted by the non-profit organizations LIMRA and Life Happens, also discovered that while 84% of Americans felt life insurance was appropriate for most people, just 70% thought it was a good idea for them
Will Giving Decline?
Catching Up on Retirement Saving
Why You Want a Retirement Plan in Writing
Things to Consider if You Plan to Retire Before 60
The Blended Retirement System Rolls Out
The U.S. military has made a major change to its retirement program. Many active duty, Reserve, and National Guard members are eligible to choose between two retirement savings and pension options: the new Blended Retirement System (BRS) and its predecessor, now termed the Legacy Retirement System (LRS).
How the Tax Reforms Will Take Effect
You Will Probably Pay More for Medicare in 2018
The Dow Dropped. Do Not Drop Out of the Market.
Keeping This Correction in Perspective
The Importance of Selecting an IRA Beneficiary
Do Women Face Greater Retirement Challenges Than Men?
A new study has raised eyebrows about the retirement prospects of women. NRIS found that women aged 65 and older had 26% less income than their male peers. Looking at Vanguard’s 2014 fact set on its retirement plans, NRIS learned that the median retirement account balance for women was 34% less than that of men.1